Why was this not on the news?

I want to know why this news conference wasn’t shown on the news.  It looks to me like the liberal media is trying to stifle free speech.  I can’t believe this next video was not show on the national news.  It is totally appalling.

Please write the networks to let them know as journalists it is their duty to present all the facts in an unbiased manner.

November 15, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. beetlebabee replied:

    It should have been pretty big news, at least as newsworthy as watching all the protesters march back and forth. This has been such a multifaceted fight hasn’t it?

    We won p8, but here we are fighting still. The opposition is just chipping away at freedom of religion any way they can because they know that it was a religious coalition that defeated them in California and keeps them from winning outright in other states as well.

    They know that once you open that door, all kinds of things can walk through it. Not only that, but the opportunity for silencing those who oppose such open views grows as well as we saw in the Arizona lawyer mess. The AZ Bar Association wants to prohibit any lawyer who believes homosexuality is wrong from being able to act on that belief. It’s a complete 180 from what the founding fathers envisioned:


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