Tired of the lies!

I am so tired of the “No on Prop 8”  lies and manipulations.  I tired of the media’s liberal biased view.    What happened to neutral journalism? You know when just the facts were presented as facts, without all the half truths and biased spins.  This is totally ridiculoius.

FACT: Marriage is between 1man and 1 woman.  The purpose of marriage is to create families. Traditional   marriage is protected because it benefits society.

FACT:Interracial  marriages are between 1 man and 1 woman.  The purpose of  interracial marriage is to create families. Interracial marriage is protected because it benefits society.

FACT:Same sex marriage is between 2 men or  2 women.  These unions can not create children that are genetically unique to the two people involved.

How does same sex marriage benefit society?

How can you compare interracial and same sex marriage?  You can’t, they are not the same.  The gender makeups involved in these relationships are different.

When they started allowing interracial marriages, because they were unconstitutional, paperwork and licenses did not need to be changed because the basic requirements for a marriage license did not change: one man + one woman, not related, over 18, not already married.

It’s very basic.  Please vote YES on prop.8 , restore the definition of marriage.  No one is loosing any rights.  Registered  Domestic Partners have all the same rights and privileges as married spouses under the law (California family code 297.5).

YES on Prop 8

November 3, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized.


  1. Jesse replied:

    The interracial card is getting real old. Like you pointed out, race is much different than sexual preference. Hopefully, cool heads prevail and Prop 8 passes on Tuesday.

  2. beetlebabee replied:

    The idea that our public school administrators are unbiased observers in this election or in our children’s moral education is a farce.

    TODAY in our town, a prop 8 sign that was too close to school property was destroyed by two Conejo Valley Unified administrators. It was caught on camera.


    There’s no way they can say that they are unbiased in this debate. The ferocity and cruelty shows through. This is who runs our schools. This is the face of tolerance. As much as I would like to believe that this is a rarity, 200,000 stolen, defaced, destroyed and vandalized signs proves otherwise.

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