I’m just curious…

I’m just curious, when did it become okay for our elected officials, the people we put in office, to come out against the will of the people and try and overturn it?  I am sick and tired of our elected officials coming out against prop 8.  If prop 8 was illegal why was it put on the ballot?  Give me a break!

There are 29 other states that have passed similar laws and amendments.  Why is California not allowed the same right?  More voters turned out in California to vote on this proposition than in any of the other states.  The people have spoken, isn’t it obvious that the majority of Californians, and Americans for that matter, do not want same-sex marriage.  No one said they did not think same-sex couples don’t have the right to be together.  No one said same-sex couples don’t have the right to equal protection under the law.  What the people are saying is we don’t want marriage redefined.  Isn’t that one of the oppositions arguments?  Aren’t they trying to say that prop 8 is redefining the constitution?  What about my right to defend the definition of marriage?  Don’t I have a right to defend the definition of something I hold dear?  I think the answer to all of these questions is YES.  There is one big difference though, when I was exercising my right to defend something I believe in, I did it peacefully.  I never protested, though I was irate that Gavin Newson thought that he had the right to single-handedly overturn the will of the people, just because he wanted  to win a few brownie points.  I never yelled and screamed, called people horrible names, or defaced other people’s property because I was livid that four judges thought that they had the right to overturn the will of the people.  What happened to my right to vote, and know that my vote counts for something?  I already know that when it comes to voting for a president, I’m usually in the minority and my vote doesn’t really count.  But when I vote for local and state issues I expect my vote to count for something.  I expect my voice to be  heard and respected.  I expect my government  and judicial system to honor my  decisions and not just throw them out if they disagree with them.  The people have spoken TWICE.  This time an even larger number of people turned out to vote to have their voices heard.  Why is our state and local government refusing to listen?

November 12, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. Gay Agenda - We’re Not Stopping Until…. « Standing For Truth on Prop 8 replied:

    […] 12, 2008 · No Comments The Will of the People. That phrase used to mean something.  Actually, it still does outside the People’s Republic […]

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